The Your Spiritual Hostess Community is a safe space to play with the idea of soul expression and expand upon it.
Everything we do in this group is to help guide you to connect to that deeper part of yourself, that all knowing part, that all being part, that internal compass to guide you to the most amazing life and experiences.
There will be pop up readings, Facebook lives, trainings, interviews with experts that have different area of expertise. Every 6 weeks (or so) we have a Practice Reading Session for new and seasoned readers to practice tapping into their intuition with, or without, cards and other divination tools.
I created this community because I know that “It takes a community to…” (achieve new heights). And, if I am being honest, I wanted an awesome group of people to hang out with and share ideas with. Yup! That’s you!

Come on in … and receive a Welcome Card Pull with a message just for you! ~
What community members are sharing ...