DOWNLOAD: Podcast – One Sheet – Mary Ann (1)


Headshots for download…


Mary Ann – Headshot
Mary Ann – Headshot – closeup



Mary Ann is passionate about helping others awaken to the brilliance of who they are and all that they have to offer themselves and the world.  She has been a diligent student of the Universe for over a decade and has shared her knowledge, expertise and passion with others through interviews, public speaking, writing and healing sessions. She is an expert on manifesting reality and has seen evidence of this in her own life in substantial ways. Her mission is to help others see the light inside of them and give it permission to shine more brightly. She creates a safe place to play with that idea and expand upon it, giving simple every day steps that, when done, make a big impact. As Your Spiritual Hostess, she connects you with that deep part inside of you that has been begging to be seen, heard and acknowledged and is ready to emerge.